Our School Governors

As a Church of England Voluntary Aided (VA) Junior School the governors are the schools employers and not the Local Authority. The governors are a critical friend and provide challenge and strategic direction to the school. They meet at school at least once in each term when the Headteacher reports on past activities and future programmes. Matters relating to health, welfare and safety and to the efficient running and upkeep of the school are dealt with and general school policies and finances are discussed, agreed and planned.

In the section ‘Our School’, you will see our Governors in the ‘Meet the Team’ section. Each Governor has shared with you his or her background and years of commitment shown to the school.

Contact for the Chair of Governors – pananicz@staugustinesjunior.net

Historic Governors:

Important Documents

Governor Attendance 2021-22

Governor Attendance 2020-21

St Augustines Instrument of Govt

If you require any information relating to Governors – please contact the school office by email: office@st-augustines.peterborough.sch.uk or telephone: 01733 563566.



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