The purpose of this policy is to ensure that, during the school day, all children have full and free access to a broad and balanced curriculum. We do not charge for any activity undertaken as part of the National Curriculum.

The school day is from 8.50am to 12.15pm and 1.00pm through to 3.00pm.

This policy has been informed by ‘A guide to the Law for School Governors’.

Voluntary Contributions

When organising school trips or visits which enrich the curriculum and educational experience of the children, the school invites parents to contribute to the cost of the trip or visit (if costs are incurred). These charges will be based on the actual costs incurred, divided by the number of pupils participating.

All contributions are voluntary. However, if we do not receive sufficient voluntary contributions, we may have to cancel a trip or visit. If a trip goes ahead, it may include children whose parents have not paid any contribution. We do not treat these children differently from any others.

If a parent wishes their child to take part in a school trip or event, but is unwilling or unable to make a voluntary contribution, we do allow the child to participate fully in the trip or activity. Support for cases of hardship will come through pupil premium funding, voluntary contributions and fundraising. Sometimes the school pays additional costs (from pupil premium or curriculum) in order to support the visit. Parents who are unable to make a voluntary contribution in full and would like help to make a part payment or have a staged payment plan should speak to the Head Teacher for further information. Parents have a right to know how each trip is funded. The school provides this information on request if applied for in writing.

The following is a list of additional activities organised by the school, which require voluntary contributions from parents. This list is not exhaustive:

  • visits to museums;
  • residential visits;
  • sporting activities which incur transport expenses;
  • outdoor adventure activities;
  • visits to the theatre;
  • travel to school trips for geography, science or environmental education;
  • musical events; and
  • to reimburse costs incurred from outside providers delivering specialist provision within school.

The principles of best value will be applied when planning activities that incur costs to the school and/or charges to parents.

Pupil Premium Funding

The school may use some of the pupil premium funding that it receives to ensure that all pupils have the opportunity to take part in trips/special events/after school clubs so that the cost of these activities is not a barrier to access.

Residential Visits

When the school organises a residential visit in school time or mainly school time, which is to provide educational activities directly related to the National Curriculum, we do not make any charge for the educational activity itself. However, we do make a charge to cover the costs of any specialist provision, board and lodging and travel expenses.

Music Tuition

All children study music as part of the normal school curriculum. We do not charge for this. There is a charge for individual or group music tuition if this is not part of the National Curriculum and is provided through the school as private tuition. Where a peripatetic music teacher teaches an individual or small group, we may make a charge for these lessons.


The school organises swimming lessons for all children. These take place in school time and are part of the National Curriculum. We make no charge for the tuition, we inform parents when these lessons are to take place, but we do ask for a contribution for the cost of the coach to and from the swimming pool.

Football, Gymnastics and Dance

The school offers additional coaching after school time through clubs. These are run by outside providers who have qualified coaches who run and organise these sessions (There is a charge for these sessions).

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