Absence from School
When your child starts our school you will receive a copy of our Attendance Policy. Please read it carefully. If your child is ill or needs to be absent for any other reason, please telephone the school office with a message.
We care very much about the safety of our children and if they are not in school it is important that we know where they are. The school monitors absence and lateness carefully and if you do not tell us, we will contact you to find out why your children are not in school.
If your child is absent from school for more than 2 days due to illness, the school can ask for medical evidence to support the absence. This can be an appointment card from your GP, prescription card or medicine bottle.
Leave of Absence
Due to changes in schools regulations, the Headteacher may no longer authorise Leave of Absence during term time apart from in exceptional circumstances. If your child requires time off from school we ask you complete a Leave of Absence Request form (available from our school office). If the Headteacher is satisfied your request is exceptional/unavoidable the absence can and will be approved.
Penalty Notices
The circumstances in which a penalty notice may be issued by The Local Authority are as follows:
- Level of unauthorised absence leads to attendance at 90% or below and there are at least 8 sessions of unauthorised absence in an eight week period
- Persistent late arrival after the register has closed
- Leave of absence during term time of at least 3 consecutive days (6 consecutive sessions) which has not been authorised by school
- Lack of adherence to the dates agreed for any authorised leave of absence without reasonable justification.
Contacting you
Sometimes we will need to contact you during the school day; it may only be for something very small – forgotten swimming kit or book or your permission to stay for an after school activity – but it will mean a lot to your child.
It may be very important – your child may have been sick or feel ill, or they may have been hurt. It is vitally important school holds the correct details for your child so remember to keep school up to date with any changes to mobile numbers or change of address.
If you give a mobile number as a contact number, please make sure your phone is switched on during the day.