Out of School Club

Breakfast and After School Club is run during term time by Brewster Avenue, our neighbouring Infant School at the Family Centre in their grounds.  It is available to children from Reception to Year 6. Their qualified & experienced staff will provide breakfast and drop your child at school safely and on time.

For after school club your child will be collected from their classroom or designated area and taken to our secure club room where a snack is provided.

Breakfast club: opens at 7.45am and St. Augustine’s children will be taken to school by club staff at 8.40am.                  Each session costs £4.

After School Club: School pick up – 6.00pm club staff collect children at the end of the school day.                                   Each sessions costs £10.

All payments and bookings are made in advance by parents using Scopay – an online booking system.

To register for the club please contact Brewster Avenue School Office by email: office@brewsteravenue.peterborough.sch.uk.


Contact details for more information

Email: office@brewsteravenue.peterborough.sch.uk.
Tel: 07541420750


Brewster Avenue Out of School Club,
Brewster Avenue Children’s Centre,
10 Brewster Avenue,

Total: 369467