Initial title use heading 2

Then some introductory text could be placed here. Integer egestas felis nec sem pretium, ac lacinia tellus rhoncus. Aenean suscipit in ante at ultricies.

Quisque tincidunt ornare ullamcorper. Donec rhoncus elit et facilisis bibendum. Duis ut enim viverra velit iaculis vehicula at at libero. Quisque auctor sed massa cursus pharetra. Fusce enim mi, porttitor vel lectus quis, placerat aliquam quam. Maecenas vitae scelerisque nisi.

Adding a button link

To add a button link, from the text editor select the dropdown arrow next to the stacked cubes icon ‘select shortcode’ then select button, add the button title, details etc, choose dark blue and you are done.

Sub heading three next

Donec sollicitudin sem ut enim volutpat pulvinar. Phasellus sodales quam non erat vehicula, efficitur aliquet felis imperdiet.

Adding images simply to the right of text within a page.

Nicola Pierce - Headteacher standing outside the school You need to add the following class on the image (img) code and so you need to either switch to ‘Text’ view in the text editor once you’ve added your image and then add the class or select ‘Edit from the toolbar that appears over the image when hovering on it and then adding the following class: add class="img-right" The image code would then look like the following: img class="img-right" src="whatever-the-image-link-is.jpg"

Just some pretend text here to space out the page for layout purposes

Donec ac feugiat arcu. Aliquam consequat sed felis vel pretium. Proin sit amet vulputate justo. Nunc volutpat congue suscipit. Ut varius ultrices nunc at auctor. Sed vel ipsum id magna dapibus feugiat quis non felis. Duis ac consequat tellus, at scelerisque diam. Sed pharetra, urna et elementum lacinia, augue turpis volutpat magna, ut facilisis augue nisi dictum nunc. Morbi vitae tristique diam, eget luctus lorem.

Adding images simply to the left of content within a page

Nicola Pierce - Headteacher standing outside the school You need to add the following class on the image (img) code and so you need to either switch to ‘Text’ view in the text editor once you’ve added your image and then add the class or select ‘Edit from the toolbar that apeears over the image when hovering on it and then adding the following class: add class="img-left"

Just some pretend text here to space out the page for layout purposes

Donec ac feugiat arcu. Aliquam consequat sed felis vel pretium. Proin sit amet vulputate justo. Nunc volutpat congue suscipit. Ut varius ultrices nunc at auctor. Sed vel ipsum id magna dapibus feugiat quis non felis. Duis ac consequat tellus, at scelerisque diam. Sed pharetra, urna et elementum lacinia, augue turpis volutpat magna, ut facilisis augue nisi dictum nunc. Morbi vitae tristique diam, eget luctus lorem. liquam consequat sed felis vel pretium. Proin sit amet vulputate justo. Nunc volutpat congue suscipit. Ut varius ultrices nunc at auctor. Sed vel ipsum id magna dapibus feugiat quis non felis.

Table example

When adding a table you may need to switch to the text view to apply the following ID and classes: id="table" class="table table-hover table-mc-light-blue" A basic table is as follows

Heading one Heading two
Cell one Cell two

Alternatively as a start copy and paste the table below.

Name of Governor Governor Category, Appointing Body and Dates of Office Committee membership and individual responsibilities
James Fordham Foundation Governor appointed by the Ely Diocese. Term of office: 15/04/13 to 14/04/17 Chair of Personnel and Curriculum Committee Appointed governor for safeguarding, children in care and SEND
Paul Fulstow Elected Staff Governors Term of office: 20/09/12 to 19/09/16 Member of the Finance and Premises Committee
Rev William Gammon Ex-officio Foundation Governor appointed by the Ely Diocese Member of the Finance and Premises Committee
David Kingdom Local Authority Governor Term of office: 27/07/14 to 26/07/18 Vice Chair of the Governing Body Chair of the Finance and Premises Committee


Under the format section in the texteditor toolbar select formats and then blockquote and thats it alternatively if you want to add it via code see below

Quote is placed in here please

Name Surname, Company or position

I am text block. Click edit button to change this text. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

I am text block. Click edit button to change this text. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Total: 308170