Click Here For Our Locally Agreed RE Syllabus

Our RE Lead is Mr N Robinson

Our RE/Church School Governors are Rev I Falvey and Mrs S Thurston

What makes St. Augustine’s Distinctively Different?

As a school we offer something different, a spiritual dimension to the young lives of our learners within the traditions of the Church of England, working in partnership with the church community to achieve this.

Collective Worship Leaders play a vital role in our daily acts of worship.

We love getting visitors in to talk about their own views and religious practices, especially parents and carers.


Visits to places of worship, including Christian and non-Christian are integral to life at St Augustine’s.

Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools (SIAMS) Report

Every five years, Church Schools in England undergo a statutory inspection by the Church of England Education Department and St. Augustine’s Junior School was rated as OUTSTANDING from the inspection carried out in March 2017.

Extract from the SIAMS report:

The distinctiveness and effectiveness of St. Augustine’s as a Church of England school are outstanding:

  • Christian values and the vision are embedded in the daily life of the school. This supports the development of pupils’ personal spirituality and enables the school to be an inclusive, supportive and welcoming Christian community whilst showing sensitivity to children and families from other cultures and faiths. This in turn has a significant impact on the spiritual, moral, social and cultural (SMSC) development of pupils
  • Collective worship is an integral part of school day. It supports pupils to relate biblical material and Christian teaching to their daily lives and the school core values.
  • Leadership, including governors, has a strong commitment to the vision and Christian values and therefore a significant impact on school improvement.

If you would like to read the full SIAMS report, there is a link in the attachment below:

St Augustine’s SIAMS March 2017

RE and Collective Worship Policies

RE Policy

Collective Worship Policy

Our school has a diverse RE Policy embedding religious education at the heart of the teaching and learning in school. The RE policy is strongly reinforced by the Collective Worship Policy which outlines how collective worship underpins our daily commitment to embracing the values of Christianity in everything we do.

“Collective worship plays a major role in the life of the school and the whole community value its contribution to their community.” SIAMS March 2017

We value all in our community as individuals and God’s children. We share our enduring Christian values and we live them each and every day, at home and at school. We create relationships in which selfless care and Christian love are apparent to all and are felt by all. This makes St Augustine’s CE (VA) Junior School a safe and awe inspiring place to belong. Our school is at the heart of the community, inspiring trust, wholeness and healing; a place where there is a welcome and hospitality for all, a place where great things happen because of our commitment to God – a school that is very much alive with the word of God.

You have the right to withdraw your child from RE and Collective Worship should you so wish – please get in touch with us at your earliest convenience if you are considering this.

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