At St Augustine’s Junior School we are very proud to say that we are an Eco School.  We achieved the Peterborough Eco Flag in the Summer Term 2019.

At St Augustine’s, we work hard to promote looking after our environment and class-elected children form the Eco Ninjas, a group that sits on the Eco Committee, attending weekly lunchtime meetings.

One child from each class attends Eco Ninja meetings, led by Mrs Grange and Mrs Massey. Since beginning Eco Ninjas, we have created our own logo and even our own rap (see below) and can safely say that the children of St Augustine’s are excellent at reciting the rap – they reel it off with enthusiasm and passion!

The main role of the Eco Ninjas group is to run Eco competitions, which ensures that all children are thinking about the Eco topic for each term. We have had many Eco topics including Paddock Wildlife, Saving Paper, Saving Energy and Saving Water and we always try to be healthy eaters. Joining forces with Bike It Crew also helps to encourage cycling and scooting to school as opposed to relying on cars.

The children of St Augustine’s are very proud of their Eco work and enjoy working together to look after our planet.

Eco Explorers Passport

In September we enjoyed a visit from Heidi, a member of the PECT (Peterborough Environment City Trust) who introduced to us a new and very exciting Eco project.

As one of the more prominent Eco Schools in Peterborough, we are only too proud to take part in this scheme and will therefore be piloting the Family Environment Explorers Passport for PECT. If this is a success, then PECT plans to roll the passport out nationwide.

As a result, we have children and their families/relatives/friends taking part in this opportunity to raise awareness of Eco practices and to enhance our school Eco credentials.

Children and their families are showing that they are working towards helping the environment by carrying out Missions. These include…

  • Stopping using plastic bags, changing to reusable bags instead
  • Taking a trip to a reservoir, lake or the seaside
  • Collecting rain water to water plants
  • Learning about our local history
  • Planting a tree
  • Growing our own food and eating it

How does it work?

Once a week the children can bring their Eco Explorers Passport to Mrs Grange and the missions they have completed are recorded. The children are presented with Certificates as they reach the different Mission levels.


Eco Explorers Club

We have an after school club that works towards helping and learning about our environment.  We have made bird feeders, planted bulbs for school and home, helped create wreaths to sell at the Christmas fair and taken part in the RSPB birdwatch.  We have also been lucky enough to have Heidi from PECT in to teach us how to make ‘Flipping Frogs’ and Gail and Eric from Sustrans came to make Christmas cards and baubles with a cycling theme.

The work we do includes helping the local community, we went out to Litter Pick around the public path that runs along the side of our school.

Eco Club News – March 2019

Eco Club News – Sept 2019

Whole School

It’s great to see all the different Eco ideas that are happening around our school, we have had a whole school topic on Oceans during the Autumn Term. Children learnt about our Seas and Oceans and the problems that are happening worldwide, they now have a very good knowledge about plastic.

During the Christmas holidays some in Lower School children created new things from their Christmas packaging.


St Augustine’s Junior School choir helped the environment by being part of a Recycling Jingle Bells video for Peterborough City Council.

The St Augustine’s Eco Rap

2, 4, 6, 8
Come n’ be my Eco mate
Help our planet
Plant some seeds
Eco Ninjas are what we need
Don’t drop litter
That’s too mean
Join our Eco friendly team
Recycle paper
Clothes and food
Have an Eco attitude!
Switch off a light
Turn off a tap

This is The Eco Ninja rap!
As God’s children we will be
Protecting all the lands and seas
Wild Animals, Fish and birds,
Creeping plants and Cattle herds (Genesis 1:26)
All God’s creatures big and small
Save our Earth
That’s our call
Don’t be a whinger
Be an Eco Ninja!

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